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Historical Event on 10/21/1997

RBI de-regulates deposit rates, reduces CRR and Bank Rate (from 10\% to 9) and allows banks to have two sets of Prime Lending Rates.

Other Historical Dates and Events
10/4/1992D. M. Sutar, freedom fighter and senior journalist, died.
12/4/1940Khurshid Novrojee, freedom fighter, was arrested for not giving prior intimation to go in tribal area. She had founded Gujarat, Kathiwad and Bombay Presidency ""Women Voluntary Amry"".
6/19/199013 Sri Lankan Tamils, including EPRLF Secretary General Padmanabha, were shot dead in Madras reportedly by LTTE men.
1/26/1882Telephone line started working between Mumbai and Calcutta.
10/9/1999Sunil Kumar and Sai Jayalakshmy won the men's and women's titles respectively in the National Tennis championship in Delhi. Akshay Vishal Rao emerged boys' under-18 champion.
7/15/1987Rajiv Gandhi,Congress President, expels V. C. Shukla, Arif Mohammed Khan and Arun Nehru from Congress for anti-party activities.
6/2/1990Union Government set up a tribunal to settle the Cauvery water issue between Tamil Nadu & Karnataka.
12/28/1931The second round of a British-Indian conference on the political future of India collapsed in disagreement over demands by Indian nationalists for complete independence. The British government had seemed willing to grant a limited dominion status. But Mahatma Gandhi, who had come to the conference to present the demands of the All-India Nationalist Congress, refused to accept anything less than complete independence. The breakdown of the talks set off a new round of disorders, Gandhi was greeted by rioting in the streets of Bombay between upper-caste Hindu members of the Congress party and ""untouchable"" caste members who had turned against him.
7/4/1999S. Vijayalakshmi won the National women's `A' chess championship with a round to spare in Kozhikode.
4/15/1932Suresh Shridhar Bhat, famous poet, was born.