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Historical Event on 10/21/1959

Chinese and Indian troops clash on Ladakh border.

Other Historical Dates and Events
4/14/1990Over 90 persons killed in an Airbus crash in Bangalore.
4/14/1990Guru Amardasji passed away.
8/15/1947Sir Cyril Radcliffe Award on the new boundaries of West Punjab, East Punjab, West Bengal, East Bengal and Assam.
11/14/1995National Human Rights Commission's conference on 'Human Rights in Prisons' begins in New Delhi.
5/18/1973A powerful underground explosion rocked India's desert of Rajasthan today, making India the sixth nation in history to set off a nuclear device. The blast, which took place at a depth of 330 feet, was in the range of 10-15 kilotons, smaller than the bomb exploded by the US at Nagasaki in World War II. India is signatory to the 1963 test ban treaty, and thus was prohibited from exploding the device on land or in the air. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi claimed the purpose of the test was peaceful and said 'such explosions may have their use in mining operations'.
1/9/1889Dr. Vrindavanlal Varma, famous Hindi writer and social reformer, was born in Jhansi. He mainly wrote historical and social novels, most famouse being ""Mriganainee"".
8/9/1942The Congress at its Bombay session passed the famous Quit India resolution, calling for mass struggle on non-violent lines on the widest possible scale, under the leadership of Gandhiji. He stressed that ""We shall either free India or die in the attempt; We shall not live to see the perpetuation of our slavery""; popularly known as ""Do or Die"". But before the Congress could start the movement, the government arrested all the major leaders and the Congress was declared illegal. Spontaneous popular revolts broke out with the battle cry of 'British Quit India'.
8/9/1942Saint Chokhoba passed away.
10/10/1962Indies assault up Chinese positions in north India attack
7/14/1923Iqbal Singh Bhatia, great educationist, was born at Kotla Qasim Khan, (Pakistan).