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Historical Event on 8/23/2000

India, Japan unveil new global partnership and agree to start a formal security dialogue. Sanctions status quo on CTBT.

Other Historical Dates and Events
8/18/1956Sandeep Madhusudan Patil, great Indian batsman, was born in Bombay.
5/28/1970All India Trade Union Congress was divided.
5/13/1991P. Sudhir Kumar released in exchange for a few Naxals in jail.
7/25/1987Giani Zail Singh (1916-1994) retired from the post of seventh President.
12/23/1912Rash Behari Ghosh and Sachin Sanyal threw a bomb at Viceroy Lord Hardinge II in Delhi. He had come to Delhi on an elephant for the initiation of the new capital. The Viceroy was injured in the bomb blast.
7/26/1933Gandhiji went back to Sabarmati Ashram after his release from jail.
10/13/1978Maharashtra branch of Forward Block Party merged in Indira Congress.
12/12/1964HJT-16, the first Indian jet trainer, made its inaugural flight.
8/23/1995First ever cellular phone service begins in Calcutta.
9/16/1977Kesarbai Kerkar, famous classical singer, died in Bombay.