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Historical Event on 5/13/1648

Redfort construction was completed

Other Historical Dates and Events
9/10/1996Central Ethical Committee of ICMR on Human Research, constituted under the Chairmanship of Justice (Retired) M.N. Venkatachaliah, held its first meeting. Several sub committees were constituted to address specific topics viz. Epidemiological Research, Clinical Evaluation of Products to be Used on Humans, Organ Transplantation; Human Genetics, etc.
8/17/1997Leander-Mahesh duo wins International ATP doubles in Connecticut.
5/13/1857Sir Ronald Ross, bacteriologist, member of Indian Medical service, Nobel awardee and editor of 'Science Progress', was born at Almora, UP.
1/18/1968The Resolution on Official Languages was passed by both the houses of the Parliament wherin the need to formulate a more intensive and comprehensive programme for the progressive use of Hindi for Official purposes, preparing annual assessment report for reviewing the progress, formulating a programme for the co-ordinated development of the other languages included in the 8th schedule alongwith Hindi, adopting of a tri-langual formula, making the knowledge of either Hindi or English compulsory for recruitment to the services of the Union, and inclusion of all the languages of the 8th schedule of the Constitution and English as the optional medium for the exams conducted by the union Public Service Commission at the appropriate time, has been stressed.
12/14/1979Nirode Ranjan Chowdhury, cricketer, two Tests for India and bowling average of 205, died.
5/18/1973A powerful underground explosion rocked India's desert of Rajasthan today, making India the sixth nation in history to set off a nuclear device. The blast, which took place at a depth of 330 feet, was in the range of 10-15 kilotons, smaller than the bomb exploded by the US at Nagasaki in World War II. India is signatory to the 1963 test ban treaty, and thus was prohibited from exploding the device on land or in the air. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi claimed the purpose of the test was peaceful and said 'such explosions may have their use in mining operations'.
1/29/1999Alok Kumar of Punjab defeated Devendra Joshi of Maharashtra at the IIT complex at New Delhi.
8/29/1923Hiralal Ghasulal Gaekwad, cricket all-rounder who played Test for India in 1952-53, was born in Nagpur.
8/1/1952Yajurvindra Singh Jaswant Singh, cricketer (Indian batsman four Tests 1977-79), was born in Rajkot.
9/21/1994Outbreak of pneumonic plague in Surat, Gujarat.