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Historical Event on 2/10/1946

Gandhiji revives 'Harijan' and allied group of weekly journals.

Other Historical Dates and Events
10/1/1997Gerhard Fischer, social worker, nominated for Gandhi peace prize. The 76-year-old German "Ambassador of Humanity'' was unanimously chosen for his contribution for social, economic and political transformation through non-violence
6/2/1975India's First Spunge Iron project inaugurated at Vijaywada.
3/1/1908Tata Iron & Steel Company was the first steel company to be established in India.
11/8/1919Madan Theatres Ltd. was founded under a Joint Stock Company at Calcutta. Their maiden venture 'Bilwamangal' was released on November 8, 1919 at the Cornwallis Theatre, Calcutta.
10/4/1999Kerala High Court orders Election Commission to booth-wise counting. The EC is likely to move the Supreme Court against this order.
5/18/1945Bhagwat Subramaniam Chandrasekhar, cricketer (brilliant Indian leggie 1964-79), was born in Banglore. He received Arjun Award and Padmashree awards in 1972.
7/10/1927Ganga Ram, great social reformer and founder of Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, died in England while functioning as an active member of the Royal Commission on Agriculture. He was against dowry and child marriages and advocated widow re-marriage and also established institutions for vocational education and education for adults.
5/26/1998Prof. Jagdish Bhagwati, economist, was awarded the 1998 Freedom Prize of the Max Schmidmeiny Foundation.
10/1/1998Anxiety in stock market after UTI's US-64 scheme is reported to have paid dividend, eating out of its capital.
7/29/1997India to revive 'Agni' Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile programme.